How to post your jobs on external job boards

If you want to post your jobs on job boards we don't partner with, you can use our Trackable Links.

A Trackable link is a link to your job page, where candidates can apply. These links allow us to track the application's source as accurately as possible, as the name you gave to the link when you created it is what will be shown in your Reports.

You will find Trackable Links by clicking on the Share button on the job page:

You only need to create a Trackable link for a new platform once, it will then be available for all other jobs automatically.

Once you've added the Trackable link for the new platform, simply copy the link and create your ad in the other platform as usual. Most job boards have the option to redirect applicants to an external website, that's where you will need to paste your link.

Please see below an example of how it works with LinkedIn:

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