HireHive WordPress Plugin

There are a lot of WordPress powered sites, so it makes sense to integrate HireHive with WordPress by using our plugin specifically for listing jobs on any page you want.

Requirements for the plugin are a paid HireHive account and a token that you receive when the plugin is activated.

In order to activate it, you have to go to your ‘WordPress Admin’, then to the ‘Plugins’ category in the menu.

Go to ‘Add new’ and search for ‘HireHive jobs’. Once you have found it, click ‘Install now’ and then activate it.

Once activated, you will see ‘HireHive Jobs’ as a new menu option.

You then need to get your token to start listing jobs on your page. If you don’t already have an account you can click on ‘Sign up and get token now’. You will be transferred to the HireHive register page. If you already have a HireHive account and a token, just click ‘Already have an account? Get token here’.

You will return to the plugin token page with the input pre-filled with token code. Save this token and now you are all set.

To use the plugin, all you need is to place the following shortcode: 


anywhere on your posts or pages. So instead of needing to code anything, placing the HireHive shortcode displays jobs automatically. Find out more here.

There are only a few settings to be aware of. Jobs can be displayed by ‘Location’ and ‘category’. These will need to be set up in the HireHive account in your Settings. Your jobs listings will automatically take on the appearance of your selected WordPress theme.

And that’s it! Your very own jobs board.

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