When a candidate applies

When a candidate applies for a job posted via HireHive, you will receive a notification email and a candidate profile is automatically generated in HireHive.

On the candidate’s profile, you will find all the information they submitted along with their CV and the source of the application. Everything you need to manage your candidate is available on their details page.

The candidate will automatically receive a ‘Thank you email’ once they have submitted their application. This email can be fully customised. Candidate applications are fully tracked and you can easily see which platforms have the best ROI (Return on Investment) from the Reports section on HireHive.

Adding a candidate

If you have a candidate application that you need to add manually you can do so using the + New Candidate button.

When you add a candidate to HireHive, we will automatically run a check to see if the candidate has previously applied to your jobs. If they have we will flag the application and show the previous job(s) that they have applied for. You can then decide to link them to a new job or cancel. 

You also have the option to add a custom source when adding a candidate. If the field is left blank, the default source will be ‘Added by Admin’.

Progress and reject candidates

To move a candidate onto the next stage of the hiring process you can select it from the dropdown. The Reject button lets you move candidates to one of your rejected stages and send an email to the candidate.

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