Sharing Candidate Details

As we know that several persons are involved in the recruitment process, HireHive allows you to share candidates' profiles with people who don’t have access to the HireHive account.

You can also ask them to add their feedback in the form of notes for the candidate. These notes are stored in the candidate's profile allowing you to keep all relevant hiring information in one place.

Using the ‘Share candidate’ function

Each candidate profile has a Share Candidate button – this allows you to share the candidate's CV, cover letter and application questions that have been answered by the candidate with hiring managers and other users that are not set up on HireHive.

Here you can enter the person’s email address. The person will receive an email alerting them to the fact that you have shared a candidate profile with them. They can then click on the link and review the candidate details. If adding notes is enabled they can share their feedback via a note which will be saved in the candidate's profile on HireHive.

The full list of candidates that have been shared will be shown in a list.

Candidate profile links remain active for 14 days. After 14 days they will expire and the candidate profile will need to be shared again if access is required. Access can also be revoked before the 14 days expiration using the ‘Revoke access’ option.

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