Email templates

Creating an email that doesn’t sound generic and corporate is essential. If a candidate reaches your site and has applied for a job, they should expect a response that is neither condescending nor sounds like SIRI.

What it boils down to is trust. A potential candidate might become more receptive to an email that feels like a conversation with a human being.

That’s why having unique and individual templates is a hugely important tool in your hiring process.

To set up your first email template in HireHive, click on Settings and chose the Email templates tab.

Then click on Create template and fill in the Subject and Name field. Make sure that the template name is descriptive and not too long, as this will make it easier to locate in the future.

You can choose to set a template to ‘private’. This will only be available to you and it will be hidden from other team members.

Once these details have been filled in, type your message. A nice feature that is built into email templates is the use of ‘shortcodes’, which automatically insert specific data when the email is being sent. This saves time and makes sure that the candidate’s name is correctly used for instance.


The name of the candidate: [FIRSTNAME]

The last name of the candidate: [LASTNAME]

Your company name: [COMPANY]

The job title the candidate is being called to interview for: [ROLE]

The full name of the admin user who is sending the email: [SIGNOFFNAME]

To use this template, select it in the dropdown beside the Subject field. For instance, on the candidate’s profile page, go to the Email tab and select your template from the dropdown. The text area is automatically filled with your custom message and also can be edited if need be.

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