GDPR Data Collection For Hiring

To comply with GDPR, companies must state exactly how they will collect and process candidate (data subject) data. With HireHive, you can easily do that by setting up your data collection preferences.

There are two options when collecting candidate data:

  1. Consent
  2. Legitimate Interest

Either option above will work for a hiring company that requires candidate data to process a job application. It is best to discuss your data collection basis with your legal team to see what best suits your company's needs. 

  1. If you choose Consent as your basis for collecting data, a ‘consent’ check box will be added to your application form.
  2. If you choose the Legitimate Interest option, you will be prompted to set up your application form with a link to your Privacy Policy. We encourage companies to have a separate Privacy Policy for recruitment to ensure you are clearly explaining how candidate data is processed in your organisation. We also advise that you mention HireHive as a data processor in this Privacy Policy. 

Please note: although HireHive has consulted extensively with legal professionals on updates to our product and content we release for GDPR, HireHive is not a legal firm. All information provided by HireHive is general information only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice or seek to be the complete and comprehensive statement of the law, nor is it intended to address your specific company requirements. Companies should seek independent legal advice regarding their own provisions for data protection and security.

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