Delete Candidate GDPR data

The GDPR sets out the candidate’s right to be forgotten.

There are several ways this can be achieved with HireHive.

Once the data retention period has expired, the candidate details will be deleted automatically. This does not affect your Reports functions.

You can manually delete a candidate profile if a data subject has requested this. This will affect your Reports, and this candidate’s data will no longer be available in your Reports.

Please note: although HireHive has consulted extensively with legal professionals on updates to our product and content we release for GDPR, HireHive is not a legal firm. All information provided by HireHive is general information only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice or seek to be the complete and comprehensive statement of the law, nor is it intended to address your specific company requirements. Companies should seek independent legal advice regarding their own provisions for data protection and security.

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